Did the dirty deed this afternoon and removed the offending metal strip from the TFT casing. Didn't want any rogue sawdust, so a dremel or similar was out of the question. Went with a very fine toothed blade on a coping saw in the end, so I could keep the frame out of the way. Marked out with a pen first, then carefully cut a straight line - not so easy with a 3mm blade freehand! Used the dust buster every 10mm or so to prevent any dust build up going inside the housing. Happy with the final result.
The area on the casing to surround the CP, which was getting in my way:

Close up of marking out, and first section cut!

Masking tape to keep the ribbon cable safe, kitchen roll to avoid hand and fingerprints on the TFT:

All done! Phew. My arm hurts.

It fits!
Hurrah! Nice work indeed.